Sunday, 26 January 2025


(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... peruntukan yang diperlukan jika skim ini dipanjangkan kepada 700,000 keluarga (10%), maka kita perlukan RM8.4 bilion setahun. Ini pasti akan membantu keluarga menepati keperluan harian seperti makanan, ...
Sunday, 01 May 2022
(Jati Diri/A Relevant Life)
... sebagai paradigma dasar terus berlangsung sehingga ada yang menyifatkannya sebagai Never Ending Policy (NEP) atau Dasar Tidak Berakhir. Saya ingin mulakan perbincangan ini dengan tiga premis.  ...
Thursday, 30 December 2021
ROUNDTABLE on The New Economic Policy (NEP): Reflections on the NEP after 50 Years Date: Sep 15, 2021 Time : 2:30 PM   Arising from the May 13 riot as a result of the huge economic ...
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
4. Silent Suffering....
(Social Inclusion Act/In Focus)
... because her mother had no documents. Also living with her are the eight-month-old child of her late husband’s sister – the infant is also stateless as she was born in Singapore – and a nephew, 15, whose ...
Thursday, 13 May 2021
5. G25 is concerned over tabling of bills on religion
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... Vision to replace the government’s race-based socio-economic policies under the New Economic Policy (NEP) is premised on the assumption that the private sector will continue to provide the economic engine ...
Sunday, 04 April 2021
6. Time for a New National Policy?
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
THE NEP – 30 YEARS PAST ITS EXPIRY DATE By Kua Kia Soong, SUARAM Adviser, 31 March 2021     The Government's New Economic Policy (NEP), announced in 1970, was embodied in the Second Malaysia ...
Thursday, 01 April 2021
7. Lone Passage - the Child Refugees
(Jati Diri/A Relevant Life)
... shores - all on their own."   The stories are at link below.....please read & share. TQ  ...
Monday, 30 November 2020
... documented and undocumented migrant workers make huge sacrifices when they leave their home countries, including Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal and Bangladesh. Often they pay large sums of money, selling property ...
Monday, 03 August 2020
... laws 4. replace the NEP with a comprehensive and needs-based social inclusion program By the time the 14th GE was upon us, I had further refined our reform agenda to now include one more very important ...
Monday, 27 August 2018
10. Dear Dr M
(Jati Diri/A Relevant Life)
... don’t know. You tell us. Tun Razak came up with the New Economic Policy (NEP). In 1971, I think. Two-pronged endeavour to reduce the gap between the haves and the have-nots, and the identification ...
Monday, 27 August 2018
... to give the fullest effect to the NEP were at hand. UMNO, through BN, has had 44 years, with huge financial resources from the oil and gas industry, to have long seen the aspirations of the NEP achieved. ...
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
12. Make NEP a needs-based policy
(Social Inclusion Act/Media)
I REFER to news reports quoting Economic Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali that the government will undertake a review of the New Economic Policy (NEP) to meet the aspirations of New Malaysia. ...
Monday, 30 July 2018
... rich and diverse cultural traditions; and To building a progressive society which shall be oriented to modern science and technology;   Forty three years have passed since the Rukunegara (and the NEP ...
Monday, 09 September 2013
14. The Myth of the Rich and Poor
(Social Inclusion Act/In Focus)
... in helping the poor will also become a point of contention in the books of libertarians. Malaysian Libertarians Many quarters have easily discarded the New Economic Policy (NEP) in hindsight, but ...
Saturday, 30 March 2013
15. GBM: Statement on 13th General Elections
(Compass Points/Letters)
... mesti dituntut menepati janji-janji pilihanraya mereka. Sehubungan ini GBM menyeru agar semua pihak giat mengadakan syura supaya amalan demokrasi kita menjadi lebih mantap. ********************** ...
Wednesday, 06 March 2013
...  Electronic Industry Employees Union Western Region (EIEUWR), Malaysia Far East Overseas Nepalese Association (FEONA), Hong Kong Filipino Migrant Workers Union (FMWU) GoodElectronics Network Human ...
Thursday, 07 February 2013
... indicators. The decline has been especially steep over the last four decades after 1970 with the commencement of the NEP. Indian impoverishment can be traced to two major developments.  ...
Saturday, 13 August 2011
... negara dan kolumnis Helen Ang kerana menulis artikel yang bertajuk “Enforcing NEP on minority religions”. Malah, PERKASA meminta kerajaan untuk menggunakan ISA terhadap Helen[4]. PERKASA sekali lagi, ...
Monday, 27 December 2010
19. Being at home
(Jati Diri/A Relevant Life)
... relatives I have never met, and quite frankly, never knew I had. They were her family, her uncles and aunts, her cousins and second-cousins, her nephews and nieces. And they all lived in China. ...
Tuesday, 02 November 2010
20. Looking to the past for inspiration
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... religion. Government policies that were drawn up to help uplift the status of the Malay have-nots have been abused, giving rise to cronyism and nepotism. Racial exclusivity is also a growing problem ...
Monday, 10 May 2010
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