Saturday, 15 February 2025


21. Question the Powerful
(Jati Diri/A Relevant Life)
... formulated about people in connection with their socio-economic circumstances. For instance, people who cannot make ends meet and are socially marginalised (because, e.g., they are hampered by the deprivations ...
Friday, 06 November 2020
22. Families on the Edge (Issue 2) October 2020
(Social Inclusion Act/In Focus)
... to the economic and emotional impacts of COVID-19. Specifically, it focuses on circumstances that affect children, single mothers and person with disabilities.   The full report can be read at link ...
Friday, 30 October 2020
... political stability without emasculating the Parliament on its budgetary power, we call upon the Government and the Opposition to reach a CSA. Our full position on CSA in the latest circumstance is as ...
Sunday, 25 October 2020
Surely we, the Rakyat, have the right to know what CIR reported to CEP Posted on August 26, 2018     The Committee on Institutional Reforms (CIR) submitted its report to the Council ...
Monday, 27 August 2018
... any prolonged period. We are of opinion that in present circumstances it is necessary to continue these preferences. The Malays would be at a serious and unfair disadvantage compared with other communities ...
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
... pilihan raya, termasuk kod perilaku yang diiktiraf yang meletakkan ciri imparsial dan kebebasan sebagai syarat-syarat tanpa kompromi. Awal tahun ini, BERSIH 2.0, MAFREL dan Pusat KOMAS telah melancarkan ...
Friday, 22 February 2013
27. On the Class Divide at Home
(Social Inclusion Act/Media)
... in the world, an F1 circuit with a city that globally ranks fourth for shopping, that recently hosted a conference of Forbes billionaires at that, can have such staggering inequality. Along with the evidently ...
Thursday, 29 November 2012
28. True, I am not you. I can’t know.
(Jati Diri/A Relevant Life)
... and judge her motives, her attitude, her actions. From my higher ground of better education, relative wealth and resolve, how can I possibly understand her circumstances and emotions fully, no matter ...
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
... how much they themselves had and what those in unfortunate circumstances lacked. Weeks earlier, four RUEP facilitators had visited the settlement to meet Cikgu Nora, an amazing lady with immense ...
Thursday, 04 October 2012
30. SUARAM 2011 Human Rights Report Launched
(Compass Points/Letters)
... circumvent international standards pertaining to protection of refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants, the government introduced the “6P” program. This program still failed to distinguish the ...
Thursday, 30 August 2012
... kadar penyalahgunaan bahan seperti dadah dan alkohol, keciciran, penderaan kanak-kanak, aktiviti jenayah dan penyakit mental, adalah petunjuk yang jelas bahawa terdapat sesuatu yang tidak kena dalam negara ...
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
32. BERSIH 2.0: A weak set of recommendations
(Compass Points/Letters)
... to 18 years.   5. DATE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARLIAMENT We are of the view that in a functioning democracy, provision has to be made for circumstances in which the government of the day may lose a ...
Sunday, 08 April 2012
33. A Plan of Action
... from a zesty drum circle launching to a mini film fest... ... so too the People's Voice emerged, strident and proud. We, the Rakyat, shall steer our land.   P.S. Once again, GBM's Charter ...
Friday, 27 January 2012
34. Samseng serang ABU, seorang cedera dibelasah
(Compass Points/Current Affairs)
... Cina selain India. Kenapa pula orang India sengaja disasarkan untuk “diberi pengajaran”? Serangan tersebut ialah cubaan untuk menimbulkan persengketaan berciri perkauman supaya momentum ABU boleh ditumpulkan ...
Monday, 23 January 2012
... for the Malaysian government to have its human rights record relating to the treatment of refugees exposed by the international media.   In an attempt to circumvent international standards pertaining ...
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
36. BERSIH 2.0: Siri Penyelewengan SPR
(Compass Points/Letters)
... equal access to the media also requires scrutiny. Comparing party publications that have extremely limited circulations to national dailies and national broadcast services that are controlled by the ruling ...
Saturday, 13 August 2011
... stop, the indescribable pain, a welcomed unconsciousness, and then the stillness of the body and the ending of a life. They were our own – Anak Bangsa Malaysia. They died in circumstances most ...
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
...  8. Hentikan politik kotor Rakyat Tuanku sudah jemu dengan politik kotor yang semakin menjadi ciri utama politik Malaysia. Kesemua parti dan ahli politik hendaklah berhenti mengamalkan politik kotor. ...
Thursday, 14 July 2011
39. And now, hope rekindled
(Jati Diri/A Relevant Life)
... will go back to share their observations in their own circles. The ripples have started to spread. Good, cantik ripples.    ...
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
... society and their contributions are dealt with very peripherally, though Chinese involvement in tin disputes is dealt with within the context of internecine disputes of the Malay nobility.   Circumstances ...
Tuesday, 07 June 2011
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