Sunday, 26 January 2025
Kampung About SABM What is SABM?
What is Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia? PDF Print E-mail

It's a Spirit, simply put; packaged in flesh and bones.

It's a spirit borne of our faith in this country, of its land and its people. It tries to look beyond its nose. This spirit believes more in the walk rather than the talk. It is anchored in love, and is adamant about being much, much more than skin-deep.

As for the flesh and bones, we're citizen volunteers, commoners, faceless perhaps but not spineless. We are non-partisan. We come from diverse backgrounds, we have different temperaments, different shapes and sizes and we are of different ages. Different, yet the same no less.

An extended background of SABM can be read here.

Bigots beware. See, we're serious about this. Did lots of work, got a charter squeezed from out of our marrow, and we're setting out to get the whole thing rolling. The Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia Charter can be read here (Bahasa Malaysia) and here (English).

The Website

We aim to bridge; which Anak Bangsa Malaysia wouldn't? In a climate where monoculture is oftentimes trumped, it will set out instead to capture the many hues of this nation in pictures and words. And that's where you can play a part.

The SABM website feeds on your contributions; no, not money...but photos, stories, and events that you'd like to share. We need all that good stuff to keep us going.

Pictures: If you have a picture you'd like to share, please read here. It could be just a single shot or as many as 10 in a series.

Stories and Events: Have an upcoming gig you'd like publicity? Or an interesting story you want published? Just satisfy one condition: It must enrich the spirit of One People, One Nation. We'll gladly take over from there. Send in your item to: admin(at)

Comments: Yeah, we like that a lot. We'd like it more if it was civil and matured; so please keep those four-letter and other foul thingies out of that realm. We delete such comments without hesitation.

Disclaimer: Just because we decide to publish a comment, doesn't mean we support it. We try to have a broad-based soapbox. Same goes for events, stories or videos which we may choose to highlight.



Cheers, and thanks for dropping by.




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Adrian  - Believe |2009-09-18 11:00:04
Being a Malaysian who studied and am now working in the UK, it saddens me to see how Malaysia has become more divided certainly in the last 5 years or so. Websites like yours provides me that small glimmer of hope but I'm not going to hold my breath. I seriously doubt that government/politicians have the will to embrace the bangse malaysia concept especialy if it means the end of them lining their own pockets.

Ppl would often be very critical of malaysian working abroad - asking them to return to contribute to the country of their birth BUT......I want to contribute to society ie the human race in its entirety. The constantly insular views of the govt prevents me from doing this to the best of my abilities. In all honesty, in the current climate, I find it exceedingly difficult to return to Malaysia.

I sincerely hope that I am proved wrong and groups like yourselves are the begining of a revolution.
Nur Amira Tan  - Missy |2009-09-19 08:20:26
Wishing SABM all the best in its endeavours! Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. One for All & All for One...
Cheong Siew Hoong  - Mr |2009-09-25 00:53:33
Dear fellow Malaysians,

I read with pleasure the desire by your group to pursue "Saya anak bangsa Malaysia". I fully support your course. But I wonder in what way could fellow Malaysian individuals like me assist your group?

Let me know. I would support your effort in every way I could, provided it is not against the law.

Good luck and Best Wishes to your group.

Termiteblue  - Well done |2010-01-04 15:39:46
You have my full support. I will convey your idea to as many youngsters as possible as they are the hope of the future.
Termiteblue  - re: Mr Cheong |2010-01-04 15:43:44
Hi Cheong,

This country really needs more good men like you.
Termiteblue  - re: Believe |2010-01-04 15:53:37
Hi Adrian,
We who opted staying back in this country made 308 happened. And YOU who opted to leave did ..... But if you sincerely like to do your bit. COME BACK TO VOTE NEXT TIME!!
Anak Jawa  - Tak tahu |2010-01-23 22:04:05
bila nak buat website dalam Bahasa Malaysia. kita orang tak tahu english maa. ada pergi roadshow SABM tadi. kita anak bangsa malaysia also tak tau cakap english. cikgu kat sekolah ajar tak habis. sepatah haram tak paham. maklum lah org hulu kelantan
susan po  - Applause |2010-03-26 04:46:09
I believe that you guys are planting the seeds of a new Malaysia. Please do not allow any hijackers to kill this excellent movement
angel  - re: Believe |2010-04-13 21:29:49

yeah, me too losing faith, but hoping & looking for a change. I was so glad when discovered this website, it gives me encouragement & hope, despite all the politics drama self-directed by our very own leaders. But we still have hope, the people around from this website & Malaysia today.. sincerely care about the rakyat.........
ku  - Sail on Sampan SABM! |2010-07-13 14:17:41
Thrilling to realize, that SABM has been in existence now, for nearly a year?

Come Sept, 16th would be its first birthday, wouldn't it?

It has behind it an impressive track record...the road-shows alone, must have been massive undertakings...we are all, so grateful.

Time to re-appraise all the goodness of this initiative, this Sampan SABM which has sailed a true course, whose leaders have relentlessly pursued the objectives of making Malaysians really and truly proud to belong, as One People One Nation.

There are still miles to go. Hopefully we can rely on SABM to help us realize that it is no longer important, who and what we are individually.

Collectively and importantly, we have to be.. all, Malaysians.

ABU.AH PEK.RAJA.IBAN  - smart minority |2010-08-07 14:51:12
I salute you all for pursuing a nobel course, trying to bring new hope for the rakyat of Malaysia. Everyone of us is saya anak bangsa Malaysia but why are we distance apart when it comes to national unity? Who to blame? Politicians,teachers,parents,police or better still why not put the blame on ourselves. Look not farther but within ourselves. It is the survival of the fittest,the strong undermine the weak.The strong(majority)will dictate the weaker(minority) to adhere to their
policies and laws. The weaker knows to run away is not the answer and to solve the situation is to educate our children
about tolerance and respect.Knowledge is power,so that the weaker can excell in other fields where the stronger is oblivious.Equip our children with good education as this knowledge is useful to them throughout their entire mortal lives. As long as we live in a multicultural and multireligions society,tolerance and respect are the keys to national unity.Put our differences aside and cherish our common values, maybe then sayaanakbangsaMalaysia concept will be materialized. If voting is successful,someone will make it illegal.
Qama Gill |2010-08-14 00:17:03
i'm a bit pessimist on this move for unified Malaysian. dun get me wrong, i'm all in for the cause. it's just that it seems impossible to see it happen. look around us, hatred is everywhere. sad to say, it had been planted by our own govt on public since young. how they still intend to divide and rule. moreover, the major race in Malaysia is the one that keep on causing the ruckus. Perkasa for instance, keep on trumpeting on Malay rights, tossing the art 153 as lame excuse.

non-Malays had been sidelined for too long. NEP is still not abolished and unjust policies is still intact. Bumiputra discount for expensive house? NEP meant to help the poor, not to enrich Malay politicians. again, all is born here. thus, all is "son of soil", despite skin/faith. i'm moved when people around me looking forward for better Malaysia. i just hope it's not too late.

FDI is declining, currency is weak, GDP is not aggressive, inflation indicated increase, price is hiking, nation's debts is now being leveraged on public. but did we receive better care by government? Nein!

don't let my thought being contagious. perhaps here's still light at the end of tunnel. but as long as Malay doesn't wake up and smell the coffee, racial unity is just mere propaganda. help people in need, not by their skin/faith. as a note, I'm Qama and i'm not racist.
Zul.O |2010-12-03 00:17:23
Please keep up the good work. The works of the few who believe in the true human spirit have an unnatural tendencies to appeal to the masses... Only because it is true.

We are malaysian and it is only natural we live life by association.
Pak Yeh  - Bangsa Malaysia is rubbish |2011-05-10 07:54:03
Read my article Bangsa Malaysia is rubbish @ warongpakyeh.
When in Rome do as Romans do. When in Malaysia, do as Malays do.
Have Malay names instead of British names.Imitate Indonesia.
Most who believe in bangsa Malaysia are still British subjects,still subjugated and colonized. Being Chrisyians alone is being colonized by British.
Read my Christian articles "Christian dogmas debunked at warongpakyeh.
Anonymous  - re: Bangsa Malaysia is rubbish |2011-06-14 17:48:54
Pak Yeh wrote:
Read my article Bangsa Malaysia is rubbish @ warongpakyeh.
When in Rome do as Romans do. When in Malaysia, do as Malays do.
Have Malay names instead of British names.Imitate Indonesia.
Most who believe in bangsa Malaysia are still British subjects,still subjugated and colonized. Being Chrisyians alone is being colonized by British.
Read my Christian articles "Christian dogmas debunked at warongpakyeh.

I read ur articles. One advice to you, don't ever try to put your personal emotion and your idea of racism to change the history with using the name of religion...
As Mr Shazwan above says and what I have seen and believe, Islam is a religion of harmony and peace.
You should be ashamed of yourself.

throw away your hatred and try to look around. we breath the same air, we step foot on the same ground and all of us love each others.with just one simple reason --- We are Malaysian.
CF Lau  - For the future, We Fight |2011-05-13 16:43:57
we sing together, we play together, we shower the rain together...

but when peace come, we choose someone to represent us.. they speak our language, they think our thought..

but this doesn't last long... they try to control us.. diverted us.. blinded us... for their power play... until they want us to kill each others..

divide n conquer is their name of game... shall we allow them to do so? can i still call u my brother when tomorrow comes... can our children still love each others in this wonderful land?

I still miss my kampung in Kedah.. Where things are simple and people are happy. Where my grandfather's best friend --- "Tok Lah" still driving his taxi and share his rambutan with everyone in the village.

I smile coz I matter and i believe a better future just like how and wat we used to be...
because of my home n my people....
shazwan  - re: Bangsa Malaysia is rubbish |2011-05-31 01:00:49
Pak Yeh wrote:
Read my article Bangsa Malaysia is rubbish @ warongpakyeh.
When in Rome do as Romans do. When in Malaysia, do as Malays do.
Have Malay names instead of British names.Imitate Indonesia.
Most who believe in bangsa Malaysia are still British subjects,still subjugated and colonized. Being Chrisyians alone is being colonized by British.
Read my Christian articles "Christian dogmas debunked at warongpakyeh.

orang yang betul2 Islam takkan cakap mcm ni, tiada paksaan pada siapa2, kamu patut malu dengan kenyataan kamu...
Foo  - re: re: Bangsa Malaysia is rubbish |2011-09-17 03:41:23
shazwan wrote:
[quote=Pak Yeh]Read my article Bangsa Malaysia is rubbish @ warongpakyeh.
When in Rome do as Romans do. When in Malaysia, do as Malays do.
Have Malay names instead of British names.Imitate Indonesia.
Most who believe in bangsa Malaysia are still British subjects,still subjugated and colonized. Being Chrisyians alone is being colonized by British.
Read my Christian articles "Christian dogmas debunked at warongpakyeh.

orang yang betul2 Islam takkan cakap mcm ni, tiada paksaan pada siapa2, kamu patut malu dengan kenyataan kamu...[/quote]

I think we have to be reasonable here.

What is *YOUR* real plan in assimilating everyone until everyone can agree that we are "Bangsa Malaysia"?

If there is no plan, but just talking about how inequalities are in this country as it is, you guys are blowing the smoke to the sky.

How about:

1) We need one school
2) We need one language
3) We need one identity

Those 3 questions above are not doable, until pig flies! Trust me.

Just me  - I found you by accident... |2012-09-07 01:06:24


I found you by accident & im the idea that i could send send in photos to site that i think interesting....

I do hope this is not a political site...

And i'll be checking on you daily...& do make ur posting interesting...& my english is a slight makes your writing understandable..

Once in a while would love articles in Malay...especially on an interesting topic so that i could understand better...

Till then...cheers...!!!

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